Pope Francis: Change of tone, not of substance

Vatican anti-gay & anti-women policies remain intact

Opposition to women priests implies they are unfit & unworthy

London – 29 July 2013


“Pope Francis has offered a change of tone in Vatican pronouncements on gay people but not a change in substance. The church’s hardline stance against gay equality and relationships remains intact. It opposes same-sex marriage. The Catechism condemns homosexual love using strident, inflammatory and homophobic language,” said Peter Tatchell , Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

See this report from AP: http://apne.ws/17Oyvw3

“At best, his statement is a shift away from old-style vengeful condemnation and punishment towards a more conciliatory and merciful church. Although he preaches forgiveness, he still regards homosexuality as a sin for which people must repent. This is only marginal theological progress.

“The Pope’s refusal to countenance women priests reiterates the Vatican’s age-old assumption that women are inferior and unfit to be spiritual leaders. It is pure patriarchy and sexism,” said Mr Tatchell.